Thursday, April 15, 2010

How To Cure a Shoe Addiction

Did you know that Christina Aguilera has 750 pairs of shoes in her walk-in wardrobe? However, Paris Hilton has lost count of how many she owns! Time Magazine claims that Imelda Marcos ranks in the 1,000 pair range. But, the madness doesn't end there. Romance novels are to blame for Danielle Steels closet, the writer owns 6,000 pairs of Louboutins.

While your shoe-loving ways may not be as bad, here are some steps to curing the addiction.

1) Acknowledge the purpose.
Does buying shoes numb you to the reality of your dull, suburban life? Admitting the true cause of your obsession is the first step to recovery.

2) Think rational thoughts instead of denial.
On an intellectual level you know that spending $800.00 on a pair of pointed, cripplingly uncomfortable heels is unhealthy - and yet you continue. Try putting pictures of Victoria Beckham's bunions or Sarah Brown's toes around your house.

3) Use alternative coping skills.
Alcohol and chocolate works for us.

4) Identify your danger zones.
Lunchbreaks, paydays - clearly they must be avoided. FS suggest that should financial circumstances make quitting your job a tad tricky, you instead carry around a picture of some Crocs, or a footballer's wife in Uggs. If that doesn't put you off shoe shopping, nothing will.

5) Make lifestyle changes.
Go barefoot instead. It's good for you.

6) Be accountable and have a support system.
You may need to check into a rehabilitative program. So far we haven't actually managed to find one, but let's face it, if you can check into the Priory to cure yourself of racism, shoe addiction should be a doddle.

7) Reward yourself.
Overcoming an addiction can be very difficult, but it can be done. Reward yourself. Hell, why not go shopping for a nice pair of … oh.

story posted from: [The Guardian UK]